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Operative planning

Activities performed within NOSBiH organizational unit – Department of Operational Planning:

  • Compilation of annual, monthly and weekly Plans of outages of power system elements in BiH EES;
  • Harmonization of outages of power system elements in SBH Block and in SEE Region;
  • Compilation of Balance sheet for electric power in the transmission system;
  • Calculation of secondary and tertiary regulation ranges required for needs of EES BiH and Calculation of secondary and tertiary missing capacity allocation on a monthly level;
  • Exchange of information on ENTSO-E level through OPC Tool Platform and exchange of data on planned disconnections with Security Coordination Centre and other TSOs within the SEE Region through weekly teleconferences;
  • Analyses whose aim is to optimise the work of EES, such analyses including short-term analyses of work of EES with the purpose of increasing safety and providing required conditions, analyses related to monitoring faults in the system (high voltages, interconnection lines overload etc.) and providing necessary solutions;
  • In coordination with other transmission system operators and Regional Coordination Centres the Department of Operational Planning participates in the development of the Regional Grid Model;
  • Calculation of critical network elements;
  • Calculation of cross-border transmission capacities (NTC);
  • Preparation of data for SEE CAO necessary for organisation of annual, monthly and daily auctions for allocation of cross-border transmission capacities on BiH borders with Montenegro and Croatia;
  • Organisation of daily auctions for allocation of cross-border transmission capacity on the border between BiH and Serbia;
  • Managing the nomination of market participants’ daily schedules and harmonization of cross-border exchange plans;
  • Verification of nominated cross-border exchange plans and their harmonization with neighbouring system operators and with the Block Coordinator, then creating a collective daily schedule for NOSBiH Control Area;
  • Through the process of nomination of daily schedules it collects data on forecasted consumption, data from generation plans, planned exchanged programmes of market participants within NOSBiH Control Area and cross-border exchange plans;
  • Collection of data on availability of generation units within NOSBiH Control Area, weekly generation plans and consumption forecast based on which weekly models of short-term adequacy have been developed;
  • Development of the congestion calculation model for week ahead, two days ahead and day ahead;
  • Calculation of available cross-border transmission capacity for intraday allocation;
  • Managing the nomination of bids for ancillary services providing in time frame D-1 within which the bids have been verified for their correctness;
  • Compilation of MOL list for balancing services for a day ahead;
  • Exchange of MOL list for balancing services bids within SHB Block for a day ahead;