The open session of the Technical Committee for Amendments to the Network Code will be held on April 29, 2024, at the headquarters of the Independent System Operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina, located at 17 Hifzi Bjelevca Street, Sarajevo. The Draft document submitted to the Technical Committee for review and consideration can be dowloaded from this link
At the meeting of the State Regulatory Commission for Electric Energy held on April 9, 2024, a Decision approving the Rules for Suspension and Resumption of Market Activities was adopted. The Decision can be downloaded at the link provided, and the Rules are available on the Market->Documents page.
The leading conference in the Balkans, dedicated to the promotion of green energy and environmental protection, called "Balkan Solar Summit", was held on February 8 and 9 in Banja Luka. Director General Nemanja Pandurević, as well as representatives of NOSBiH, actively participated in the conference.
The slogan "GAME CHANGER" refers to the ambition for significant changes in accordance with the EU green directive. The innovations, technologies and business opportunities discussed at the conference define the path to a cleaner and smarter energy future. Leaders of the business world, industry and political visionaries shared their visions and experiences.
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Smart networks and meters, energy storage, solar for citizens and the economy, and financing projects in this area were the most important topics of the Sarajevo Energy Forum 2024, (SFF 2024), which was held on January 30 and 31 this year.
Representatives of NOSBiH as well as other leaders of the energy transition from BiH and neighboring countries participated in this important energy gathering. Recommendations have been sent from SEF on how BiH and neighboring countries can achieve the largest possible share of clean energy in total production.
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The public session of the Technical Commission for drafting the Rules for the suspension and resumption of market activities will be held on March 7, 2024. at 11:00 a.m. in the premises of NOSBiH in Sarajevo (Hifzi Bjelevca str. 17, hall on the first floor). Written comments on the draft document can be submitted to the e-mail address until February 26, 2024. You can download the proposal of the document Rules for suspension and resumption of market activities at the link
General Director of the Independent System Operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina 28.12.2023. issued a Rulebook on how to keep a register of balanced users, which you can find at the link or on the page Documents->Rules
The General Director of the Independent System Operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nemanja Pandurević, participated on December 14th, 2023 participated in the 21st meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community in Vienna. As the Head of the delegation, Director Pandurević led the delegation from Bosnia and Herzegovina, which also included the Minister of Energy and Mining of Republika Srpska, Petar Đokić, the Minister of Energy, Mining, and Industry of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vedran Lakić, and the Head of the Department for Primary Energy at the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Branka Knežević.
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Pursuant to applicable laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina and in accordance with NOSBiH regulations and decisions, General Director adopted a Decision on amendments of the Instruction for the Implementation of the Temporary Model for "Virtual Power Plants" Access to BiH Electricity Market.
You can download the Decision on local language here, a new version of the Instruction for the Implementation of the Temporary Model for "Virtual Power Plants" Access to BiH Electricity Market can be found here
Notice is hereby given that on 22th December, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. NOSBiH Managing Board will hold its 19th special public session. The session will take place at NOSBiH premises, address: Hifzi Bjelevca street, no. 17, Sarajevo. This session is open to the public and all interested citizens and media representatives may attend the session but have no right to participate in its work. We kindly ask all interested parties to apply electronically to this address: by 20th December, 2023, at the latest, so that we could arrange the session.
On 18th October 18 2023, NOSBiH was visited by a delegation from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, consisting of Chris Barton, His Majesty's Trade Commissioner for Europe, Julian Reilly ambassador, and Alma Kadunić, Director for Trade and Investment.
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