Date: 31. Jul. 2023. - Competitions
Pursuant to Article 33. of the Law Establishing an Independent System Operator for the Transmission System in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 35/04) and Article 8 paragraph 1) of the BiH Institutions’ Labour Law (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 26/04, 7/05, 48/05, 60/10, 32/13, 93/17 and 59/22), Article 4, paragraphs 2), 4) and 5) and Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the NOSBiH Rules of Procedures no 9/17 as of 13th February 2017 and in line with NOSBiH Rule Book on Internal Organization and Job Position Classification no 14/23 as of 21th March 2023 and the Decision on Filling Vacant Positions at NOSBiH no 02-1188-1/23 as of 27th July 2023, Independent System Operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina is making a job vacancy announcement.
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